Monday, December 17, 2007

Great Mash-ups!

Thing 19

....What did you like or dislike about the tool? What were the site’s useful features? Could you see any applications for its use in a library setting?

So, I explored and I think that it's great. I've ALWAYS wanted to catalogue my books, and this site makes it seem really easy. I not only can catalogue my books, but I can see if there are other like-minded individuals that have a similar collection to mine. AWESOME. I'm such a book-worm and it's just hard to find people who share such similarities with you (at least for me, anyway----I've tried on myspace, but it's still hard to find like-minded souls). So, I'm very thankful for a site like librarything. *smiles* I'm also glad that I've found out about these 2 sites: and .

I think that libraries can incorporate some of the reviews from the thing site into their own catalogues. Also, some libraries may be able to use the thing itself as a catalogue. *smiles*

AWESOME exercise. AWESOME sites. *smiles*